
davidomckay“It is glorious when you can lie down at night with a clear conscience, knowing you have done your best not to offend anyone and have injured no man. You have tried to cleanse your heart of all unrighteousness, and if you put forth precious effort, you can sense as you pray to God to keep you that night that he accepts your effort. You have a sense that you are God’s child, not a mere cog of the state, but a person whose soul God wants to save. You have the strength, the sense of resistance to evil. . . You also have the realization that you have made the world better for having been in it.”
– David O. McKay


Harold B. Lee“When you have done all within your power to overcome your mistakes, and have determined in your heart that you will never repeat them again, then… peace of conscience [can come to you] by which you will know that your sins have been forgiven.”
– Harold B. Lee



220px-Marvin_J__Ashton“Worthiness is a process, and perfection is an eternal trek. We can be worthy to enjoy certain privileges without being perfect.”
– Marvin J. Ashton




jamesetalmage“The worship of which one is capable depends upon his comprehension of the worthiness characterizing the object of his reverence. Man’s capacity for worship is a measure of his comprehension of God.”
– James E. Talmage