The Historicity of the Book of Mormon
I close with a thought about diversity. Diversity is one of the favorite buzz words of our time. Properly applied, it is a wonderful concept that encourages harmony, love, and individual growth. But like its companion concept of tolerance, it can be misapplied to the detriment or destruction of its proponents and those around them. How much should we show tolerance toward evil? Do we tolerate foul language at the pulpit? How about false doctrine? Should we practice diversity in our personal values or our intimate associations? If tolerance and diversity are to achieve their exalted purpose, they must be practiced thoughtfully, prayerfully, and selectively, not simply and absolutely. It would be well if those who publicly praise diversity would add a small explanation to clarify “diversity in what.” On this subject I applaud the words of Patricia B. Grey of Provo in a recent letter to the editor in the Deseret News of October 20, 1993. Her letter begins by observing that the word diversity, as used in some recent public communications, is more reflective of “modern political thought than revealed truth.” Her letter continues: Certainly “God cherishes diversity” in almost everything–except his followers’ loyalties and beliefs. The LDS Church exists as evidence of his rejection of diversity in beliefs. A quick survey of the scriptures finds no support for such diversity within the church. Rather there are more than 4 calls to unity, including “if ye are not one ye are not mine.”