Holy Ghost
“There is no doubt, if a person lives according to the revelations given to God’s people, he may have the Spirit of the Lord to signify to him his will, and to guide and to direct him in the discharge of his duties, in his temporal as well as his spiritual exercises. I am satisfied, however, that in this respect, we live far beneath our privileges.”
– Brigham Young
“We watch. We wait. We listen for that still, small voice. When it speaks, wise men and women obey. Promptings of the Spirit are not to be postponed.”
– Thomas S. Monson
“The standard is clear. If something we think, see, hear, or do distances us from the Holy Ghost, then we should stop thinking, seeing, hearing, or doing that thing. If that which is intended to entertain, for example, alienates us from the Holy Spirit, then certainly that type of entertainment is not for us. Because the Spirit cannot abide that which is vulgar, crude, or immodest, then clearly such things are not for us. Because we estrange the Spirit of the Lord when we engage in activities we know we should shun, then such things definitely are not for us.”
– David A. Bednar
“A person possessed of the Holy Spirit never grows old.”
– Brigham Young
“Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but on what happens inside of you. It is measured by the Spirit with which you meet the problems of life.”
– Harold B. Lee
“There is a still small voice telling us what is right, and if we listen to that still small voice we shall grow and increase in strength and power, in testimony and in ability not only to live the gospel but to inspire others to do so.”
– Heber J. Grant
“President Romney shared some of his personal experiences from when he was first called to serve as a General Authority in 1941. . . He felt that he needed some advice, so he went to Elder Harold B. Lee, a relatively new member of the Quorum of the Twelve and a former contemporary as a stake president. Elder Romney asked him for advice about how to be successful as a General Authority. Elder Lee spoke about the necessity of receiving personal revelation in order to be effective and said: ‘If you are to be successful as a General Authority, you will need to be inspired. You will need to receive revelation. I will give you one piece of advice: Go to bed early and get up early. If you do, your body and mind will become rested, and then in the quiet of those early-morning hours, you will receive more flashes of insight and inspiration than at any other time of the day.’ President Romney said: ‘From that day on, I put that counsel into practice, and I know it works. Whenever I have a serious problem, or some assignment of a creative nature with which I hope to receive the influence of the Spirit, I always receive more assistance in the early-morning hours than at any other time of the day. Following that counsel has helped me a great deal through the years.’”
– Joe J. Christensen
“The Lord has a way of pouring pure intelligence into our minds to prompt us, to guide us, to teach us, to warn us.”
– Boyd K. Packer
“You can make every decision in your life correctly if you can learn to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This you can do if you will discipline yourself to yield your own feelings to the promptings of the Spirit. Study your problems and prayerfully make a decision. Then take that decision and say to him, in a simple, honest supplication, ‘Father, I want to make the right decision. I want to do the right thing. This is what I think I should do; let me know if it is the right course.’ Doing this, you can get the burning in your bosom, if your decision is right. … When you learn to walk by the Spirit, you never need to make a mistake.”
– Marion G. Romney
“You want to be good and to do good. That is commendable. But the greatest achievement that can be reached in our lives is to be under the complete influence of the Holy Ghost.”
– F. Enzio Busche
“No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelation. The Holy Ghost is a revelator.”
– Joseph Smith
“The voice of the Spirit is described in the scripture as being neither ‘loud’ nor ‘harsh’. It is ‘not a voice of thunder, neither . . . a voice of a great tumultuous noise’. But rather, ‘a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper’, and it can ‘pierce even to the very soul’, and ’cause the heart to burn’. Remember, Elijah found the voice of the Lord was not in the wind, nor in the earthquake, nor in the fire, but was a ‘still small voice’. The Spirit does not get our attention by shouting or shaking us with a heavy hand. Rather it whispers. It caresses so gently that if we are preoccupied we may not feel it at all. (No wonder that the Word of Wisdom was revealed to us, for how could the drunkard or the addict feel such a voice?) Occasionally, it will press just firmly enough for us to pay heed. But most of the time, if we do not heed the gentle feeling, the Spirit will withdraw and wait until we come seeking and listening and say in our manner and expression, like Samuel of ancient times, ‘Speak Lord, for they servant heareth’.”
– Boyd K. Packer
“We must wait until an errant individual is willing to receive the Holy Ghost. We cannot force that moment. Given their agency, individuals must desire to be touched by Him. Thus, we are to ‘continue to minister’ until a person desires change; he, alone, can decide to engaged with the Holy Spirit. Thus, we cannot force things, but we can ‘continue to minister’. Yes, we go on trying even when our witness is unheeded. The Lord has told us firmly how this process works. After all, God is in the business of saving souls. It is His work and glory. We must consider the wait as part of life and part of His work. Ironically, while we are to ‘wait upon the Lord’, He must also wait for us.”
– Neal A. Maxwell
“You may have the administration of angels, you may see many miracles… but I claim that the gift of the Holy Ghost is the greatest gift that can be bestowed upon man.”
– Wilford Woodruff
“No amount of time in front of the mirror will make you as attractive as having the Holy Ghost with you.”
– Sheri Dew
“We must never let the noise of the world overpower and overwhelm that still, small voice.”
– L. Tom Perry
“We have every reason to rejoice and little reason to fear. If we follow the promptings of the Spirit, we will be safe, whatever the future holds. We will be shown what to do.”
– Boyd K. Packer
“In the economy of heaven, God does not send thunder if a still, small voice is enough, or a prophet if a priest can do the job.”
– Neal A. Maxwell