
davidomckay“The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.”
– David O. McKay


MONSON_medium“Kneel down to pray.  Step up to serve. Reach out to rescue.  Each is a vital page of God’s blueprint to make a house a home and a home a heaven.”
– Thomas S. Monson




Abraham_Lincoln_November_1863“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”
– Abraham Lincoln*




howard-w-hunter-mormon“Whatever Jesus lays His hands upon lives.  If He lays His hands upon a marriage, it lives.  If He is allowed to lay His hands on the family, it lives.”
– Howard W. Hunter



bruce-d-porter-large“A wise seminary teacher and writer once wrote that Latter-Day Saint parents often teach the gospel as though it were only a set of rules, standards, and ‘thou shalt nots’, never clearly explaining why we should live the commandments, failing to introduce their children to the Law-Giver himself, not imparting to them a testimony and love of the Savior.  I do not want to make that mistake.  If we truly love God and Christ, the gospel becomes far more than just a set of rules.  It becomes a fountain of living waters, the one true source of life and peace.  I want you to drink of those living waters.”
– Bruce D. Porter


Elder Dallin H. Oaks“Young people, if you honor your fathers, you will love them, respect them, confide in them, express appreciation for them, and demonstrate all of these things by following their counsel in righteousness and by obeying the commandments of God.”
– Dallin H. Oaks


brigham-young-mormon“We should never permit ourselves to do anything that we are not willing to see our children do.  We should set them an example that we wish them to imitate.”
– Brigham Young




Lorenzo Snow“We have been sent into the world to do good to others; and in doing good to others we do good to ourselves.  We should always keep this in view, the husband in reference to his wife, the wife in reference to her husband, the children in reference to their parents, and the parents in reference to their children.  There is always opportunity to do good to one another.”
– Lorenzo Snow



dieter-f-uchtdorf-large“Perhaps the most universal regret dying patients expressed was that they wished they had spent more time with the people they love.”
– Dieter F. Uchtdorf




hinckley_medium“I know of no better answer to the foul practices that confront our young people than the teachings of another, given in love with an unmistakable warning.”
– Gordon B. Hinckley



Elder Dallin H. Oaks“Parents are the master teachers. They do their most effective teaching by example. The family circle is the ideal place to demonstrate and learn kindness, forgiveness, faith in God, and every other practicing virtue of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
– Dallin H. Oaks



Neal-A-Maxwell-Mormon“Good homes are still the best source of good humans.”
– Neal A. Maxwell




Russell_M_Nelson“In God’s eternal plan, salvation is an individual matter; exaltation is a family matter.”
– Russell M. Nelson




hinckley_medium“Under the plan of heaven, the husband and the wife walk side by side as companions, neither one ahead of the other, but a daughter of God and a son of God walking side by side. Let your families be families of love and peace and happiness. Gather your children around you and have your family home evenings, teach your children the ways of the Lord, read to them from the scriptures, and let them come to know the great truths of the eternal gospel as set forth in these words of the Almighty.”
– Gordon B. Hinckley


MONSON_medium“Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.”
– Thomas S. Monson




boyd-k-packer-large“Parenthood is a sacred privilege, and depending upon faithfulness, it can be an eternal blessing. The ultimate end of all activity in the Church is that a man and his wife and their children can be happy at home.”
– Boyd K. Packer



quentin-l-cook-large“The foundation of kindness and civility begins in our homes. It is not surprising that our public discourse has declined in equal measure with the breakdown of the family. The family is the foundation for love and for maintaining spirituality. The family promotes an atmosphere where religious observance can flourish. There is indeed ‘beauty all around when there’s love at home’.”
– Quentin L. Cook


l-tom-perry-large“The older I get, the more I realize that family is the center of life; it is the key to eternal happiness.”
– L. Tom Perry




MONSON_medium“Often we assume that [the people around us] must know how much we love them. But we should never assume, we should let them know… We will never regret the kind words spoken or the affection shown. Rather, our regrets will come if such things are omitted from our relationships with those who mean the most to us.”
– Thomas S. Monson


Russell_M_Nelson“The Lord’s way is the only way for us to experience enduring happiness.  His way brings sustained comfort to our souls and perennial peace to our homes.”
– Russell M. Nelson



Harold B. Lee“The most important of the Lord’s work you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home.”
– Harold B. Lee




josephfsmith“Motherhood lies at the foundation of happiness in the home, and of prosperity in the nation. God has laid upon men and women very sacred obligations with respect to motherhood, and they are obligations that cannot be disregarded and without invoking divine displeasure.”
– Joseph F. Smith



boyd-k-packer-large“Parents today wonder if there is a safe place to raise children. There is a safe place. It is in a gospel-centered home.”
– Boyd K. Packer




richard-g-scott-large“I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman, but I know what it’s like to love one.”
– Richard G. Scott




josephfsmith“These things which we call extraordinary, remarkable, or unusual may make history, but they do not make real life. After all, to do well those things which God ordained to be the common lot of mankind, is the truest greatness. To be a successful father or a successful mother is greater than to be a successful general or a successful statesmen.”
– Joseph F. Smith


davidomckay“No greater responsibility can rest upon any man [or woman] than to be a teacher of God’s children.”
– David O. McKay





“I love him with that love that is stronger than death.”
– Joseph Smith, referring to Hyrum





ArtBook__134_134__EzraTaftBenson____[1]“Above all else, children need to know and feel they are loved, wanted, and appreciated. They need to be assured of that often. Obviously, this is a role parents should fill, and most often the mother can do it best.”
– Ezra Taft Benson



howard-w-hunter-mormon“You should express regularly to your wife and children your reverence and respect for her. Indeed, one of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”
– Howard W. Hunter



georgealbertsmith“Brethren and sisters, let us go to our homes. If our houses are not in order, let us set them in order. Let us renew our determination to honor God and keep His commandments, to love one another, to make our homes the abiding place of peace. Each of us can contribute to that in the homes in which we live.”
– George Albert Smith


davidomckay“No other success can compensate for failure in the home.”
– David O. McKay




david-a-bednar-large“3 ways to become more diligent and concerned at home: 1. Express love – and show it. 2. Bear testimony – and live it. 3. Be consistent.”
– David A. Bednar




m-russell-ballard-large“What matters most is what lasts the longest.”
– M. Russell Ballard




spencerwkimball“It would be a fine thing if … parents would have in every bedroom in their house a picture of the temple so [their children] from the time [they are] infant[s] could look at the picture every day [until] it becomes a part of [their lives]. When [they reach] the age that [they need] to make [the] very important decision [concerning going to the temple], it will have already been made.”
– Spencer W. Kimball


spencerwkimball“Always keep good company. Never waste an hour with anyone who doesn’t life you up and encourage you.”
– Spencer W. Kimball




l-tom-perry-large“Let me close by bearing witness (and my nine decades on this earth fully qualify me to say this) that the older I get, the more I realize that family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness. I give thanks for my wife, for my children, for my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren, and for all of the cousins and in-laws and extended family who make my own life so rich and, yes, even eternal.”
– L. Tom Perry




“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.”
– Ann Landers*


“A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.”


“Too many times in life we ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us, love the ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us.”
– Unknown