First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: 1841


sidneyrigdonSidney Rigdon

Joseph_Smith1_MormonJoseph Smith Jr.

hyrumHyrum Smith

williamlawWilliam Law

brighamyoungearlyearlyyBrigham Young

heberckimballearlyHeber C. Kimball

orsonhydeOrson Hyde

Parley_P_PrattParley P. Pratt

williamsmithWilliam Smith

orsonprattearlyOrson Pratt

johntaylorearlyJohn Taylor

John_E__PageJohn E. Page

wilfordwoodruffearlyearlyWilford Woodruff

georgeasmithGeorge A. Smith

willardrichardsWillard Richards

lymanwightLyman Wight


*Hyrum Smith was ordained an Apostle and made Assistant President of the Church in 1841. He was not added to the Quorum but served with Joseph in the First Presidency.