First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: 1873


georgeasmithGeorge A. Smith

brigham-young-mormonBrigham Young

danielhwellsDaniel H. Wells

orsonhydeOrson Hyde

johntaylorotherJohn Taylor

wilfordwoodruffearlyWilford Woodruff

orsonprattOrson Pratt

charlescrichCharles C. Rich

lorenzosnowearlyLorenzo Snow

ErastussnowErastus Snow

franklindrichardsFranklin D. Richards

georgeqcannonearlyGeorge Q. Cannon

josephfsmithearlyJoseph F. Smith

brighamyoungjrearlyBrigham Young Jr.

albertcarringtonAlbert Carrington


*In 1875, when dealing with in the council of the Twelve Apostles in 1875, Brigham Young ruled that if a council member had been disciplined and removed from the council, his seniority was based on the date of readmission.  By this ruling, both Orson Hyde and Orson Pratt were moved down in quorum seniority.  As a result, John Taylor replaced Hyde as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  Therefore, Taylor rather than Hyde succeeded Brigham Young as President of the Church after Young’s death.