First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: 1928


anthonywivinsAnthony W. Ivins

heber-j-grantHeber J. Grant

charleswnibleyCharles W. Nibley
(Not Ordained an Apostle)

rudgerclawsonRudger Clawson

reedsmootReed Smoot

georgealbertsmithearlyGeorge Albert Smith

georgefrichardsGeorge F. Richards

orsonfwhitneyOrson F. Whitney

davidomckay1930David O. McKay

josephfieldingsmithearlyJoseph Fielding Smith

jamesetalmageJames E. Talmage

stephenlrichardsStephen L. Richards

richardllymanRichard R. Lyman

melvinjballardMelvin J. Ballard

johnawidtsoeJohn A. Widtsoe