
quentin-l-cook-large“Pornography is a plague that is detrimental not only to a person’s moral standing with God, but it can also destroy marriages and families and has an adverse impact on society. Those involved with pornography or any other form of immorality are acting out a different role from what they really want to be or should be. It is interesting that almost everyone who is involved with pornography assumes a false identity and hides his or her participation. They mask their conduct, which they know is reprehensible and destructive to everyone they care about. Internet addiction and pornography are both harming marriages. As you move toward marriage – or if you are married now – you must not wear any masks that hide inappropriate conduct that will be detrimental to you or your marriage. For those who have fallen into this destructive habit, please be assured that you can repent and you can be healed. Repentance will need to precede healing. Healing may be a long process. Your bishop can counsel you as to how you can receive the help you need to be healed. Please remember that your Heavenly Father loves you. Be honest with yourselves and be honest with Him. If you are, He will direct you along the path of forgiveness.”
– Quentin L. Cook