Statistics by Decade: 1850-1859



Statistical Information

Membership: 57,038

Membership Growth:

Converts Baptized:

Missionaries Called: 705

Missionaries Serving (avg/yr): 78

Number of Wards:

Number of Stakes:

Number of Missions:

Number of Temples: 0

Major Events in this decade of Church History:

Temples Built:

0 Total

Apostle Deaths:

Willard Richards (1854)
Jedediah M. Grant (1856)
Parley P. Pratt (1857)

Apostles Called:

Jedediah M. Grant (1854)
Daniel H. Wells (1857)


Church Leadership:



heberckimballHeber C. Kimball

brighamyoungearlyBrigham Young

jedediahmgrantJedediah M. Grant

orsonhydeotherOrson Hyde

Parley_P_PrattParley P. Pratt

johntaylorearlyJohn Taylor

wilfordwoodruffearlyearlyWilford Woodruff

georgeasmithGeorge A. Smith

orsonprattearlyOrson Pratt

amasamlymanAmasa M. Lyman

ezratbensonEzra T. Benson

charlescrichCharles C. Rich

lorenzosnowearlyLorenzo Snow

ErastussnowErastus Snow

franklindrichardsFranklin D. Richards



heberckimballHeber C. Kimball

brighamyoungearlyBrigham Young

willardrichardsWillard Richards

orsonhydeOrson Hyde

Parley_P_PrattParley P. Pratt

johntaylorearlyJohn Taylor

wilfordwoodruffearlyearlyWilford Woodruff

georgeasmithGeorge A. Smith

orsonprattearlyOrson Pratt

amasamlymanAmasa M. Lyman

ezratbensonEzra T. Benson

charlescrichCharles C. Rich

lorenzosnowearlyLorenzo Snow

ErastussnowErastus Snow

franklindrichardsFranklin D. Richards